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November 2013 Release Notes

New Major Features:

Storage Vaults
  • Enterprise Edition customers can now use StorageVaults that allow IT administrators to designate specific storage endpoints for users, groups, and folders
  • StorageVaults allow customers to:
    • Meet data residency/sovereignty requirements
    • Utilize excess storage capacity available across multiple storage arrays in their data center
  • IT administrators can create storage sets that allows them to assign groups of users to specific StorageVaults
  • Storage set priorities determine which StorageVault gets applied to a user


Release details:

Storage vaults:

  • Ability for IT administrators to create, configure and manage StorageVaults
  • Users are assigned a StorageVault through their group membership
  • IT administrators can determine the priority of each storage set which determines which StorageVault is applied to a user
  • Each group can have only one storage set assigned to it, but a storage set can be assigned to multiple groups. If no storage set is assigned to a group, the “Default storage set” is applied
  • Ability for administrators to view:
  • Groups assigned to a storage set
  • Storage consumption per user per StorageVault
  • Dashboard displaying storage consumption history by StorageVault
  • Ability for IT administrators to create a folder on behalf of a user and specify a StorageVault for it
  • Ability for IT administrators to change:
  • Priority of storage sets
  • StorageVault within a storage set
  • Groups that are assigned to a storage set

NOTE: The storage quota assigned to a group only applies to the group's current StorageVault. If a group is assigned to a new StorageVault, the storage quota applied to the old StorageVault will no longer be applicable.

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