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Uploading files

You can upload files managed by other apps to a folder in your Syncplicity account.

Opening the menu

Tap the + icon on main Navigation Bar or in the context menu of a folder to open the following menu then tap Upload to view its menu. For example:

The menu options include:

  • Photos. Allows you to select an existing photo or video in your device and upload it to a Syncplicity folder. This is described in Uploading photos and videos.
  • Browse... Allows you to view recently opened documents and the apps on your device that are considered storage providers. One or more app names may appear in the menu. These app names are controlled by the Browse.. menu option.

NOTE: If you are using the Syncplicity app on a MobileIron managed device, your administrator may disable the ability to upload files from unauthorized apps.

Adding apps

To add apps with file management capabilities to your Upload menu:

  • Tap Browse.. to display a list of file management apps. 
  • Choose which apps you want to display in your Upload menu (tap the enable button to the right of the app name).
  • Click Done

If you have different apps, you can have some apps enabled and other disabled. For example, if you four apps:

  • Documents and Drive can be enabled and will display in the Upload menu.
  • Dropbox and Syncplicity can be disabled and will not display in the Upload menu.

Uploading files

To upload files managed by another app:

  1. Tap the name of the app then navigate to the file that you wish to upload.
  2. Tap the file. You are taken to the Upload screen. In the upper right corner, Upload (1) indicates that one file is selected.
  3. Optionally, you can change the file name by tapping the pencil icon.
  4. Tap Select Folder. Alternatively, if you have previously uploaded files, you can choose a folder from the Recently Used Folders for Upload If this is your first upload, this section is empty.
  5. If you tapped Select Folder, perform the following:
    In the list of your top-level Syncplicity folders, navigate to the folder where you wish to upload the files. At the top of the page, you have three options represented by these icons:

    : Tap this if you are in the folder where you wish to upload the files.
    : Create a new folder within the folder. This allows you to create a new folder for your files.
    : The search applies only to the folder where you are located. It does not search any parent folders and does not search subfolders.
    When you are within the destination folder, tap the checkmark. You are taken back to the Upload screen.
  6. Make sure that the correct folder name appears in the Select Destination Folder for Upload
  7. Tap Upload in the upper right corner.

The file is uploaded.

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